The idea is simple:
Each month, a new green habit will be posted up.
Each month, people who signed up for the challenge will pledge to follow that habit with all other iPledgers.
For example, here's a bunch of pledges:
I pedge to…for a month:
- To not buy coffee without a reusable cup
- reuse all my single-sided paper
- Bring a reusable bag with me everywhere I go
- Recycle my clothes by donating it to people in need
- Throw on a sweater instead of turning the heat up
- Buy as many things as possible in bulk
- Unplug cell phone chargers and microwaves when not using (reduce phantom load)
- If it's yellow, let it mellow; when it's brown, flush it down
- Always wash full loads
- Turn off the water when soaping up your hands or brushing your teeth
- cutting dishwashing detergent in half with baking soda.
- use indian nuts to wash laundry and reuse them, boiled to make dish washing soap, then pop them in the compost
- For saving water in the toilet, I put a full bottle of water in the toilet tank
- Hang your clothes to dry when possible
- Buy toilet paper made from recycled paper!
- Bring tupperwear in your purse to restaurants for left-overs
- Make your own wrapping paper from scraps or use comics from the local newspaper
- Reduce your household potable water use by over 30% by recycling your greywater with a Brac System
- turn off the heat dry on your dish washer. air dry is good enough
- Do something with the cold water that is wasted while the water is heating up in the shower. Place some buckets under the shower so that the water fills the buckets rather than running down the drain. Use the water to water your plants or flush your toilet.
- reuse coffee grinds as an exfoliant and anti-cellulite treatment.The caffeine apparently promotes circulation and reduces water retention.
- Drink tap water; Most places in BC have the highest quality tap water in the world
- Use a timer power bar to reduce your phantom electricity load
- Donate your old eyeglasses when you buy a new pair.
- sell things you no longer need on Craigslist or leave them at the office for someone else to use
- schedule your showers right after someone else has just showered so you don't have to waste time and water waiting for the water to warm up
- Place mirrors across from windows and behind or across the room from a lamp to light up a room
(Most of these were found here:
Have fun encouraging your friends or yourself or your co-workers to pledge to become greener!
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